Course overview
Why choose the Certified Incident Handler (ECIH) course?
The ECIH Certified Incident Handler course imparts essential skills for identifying and responding to current and emerging computer security threats. Graduates gain competence in managing post-breach repercussions to mitigate financial losses and uphold an organisation's reputation. The curriculum encompasses diverse incident types, risk assessment techniques, legal considerations, and policy formulation.
Certification holders will be successful at creating incident response strategies, handling various incident categories, and navigating laws and regulations. This comprehensive training equips professionals to effectively tackle the complexities of contemporary and emerging cyber threats.
What you'll learn
- TopicsRisk AssessmentHandling Network Security IncidentsHandling Malicious Code IncidentsHandling Insider ThreatsIncident ReportingIncident RecoverySecurity Policies and LawsIncident Response and Handling StepsForensic Analysis and Incident ResponseComputer Security Incident Response TeamsIntroduction to Incident Response and Handling
Your assessment will take 120 minutes to complete and features 100 multiple-choice questions.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the examination, you’ll receive your ECIH | Certified Incident Handler certification. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
ECIH – Certified Incident Handler
Study time
60 Guided learning hours (Full-time: 1 month, Part-time: 2-3 months)
1 x 120 minutes
Internet access and email
Official training from an accredited provider, such as the Learning People, or one year of work experience in information security
Ideal for
Computer forensic analysts, forensic examiners, security analysts
Student Support
Study guidance and support throughout your entire learning journey with us from real people.
Career Services
Tailored and focused career support from our team of career experts, who will help you navigate the job market with confidence and land that dream job.
Leap Careers
Leap Careers is designed to connect our students with specific job opportunities from a wide range of partner employers, helping you take that all-important first step into a shiny new role.
What's Included
Professional development that works around you.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accessCV and LinkedIn supporteBooks Video Lessons, and Practice ExamsMonthly careers workshopsExpert support and mentoringLearning People Alumni membershipVirtual seminarsTOTUM student card
Get certified the Learning People way
Career-ready education. Get the skills you need for the career you want.
Why become a Certified Incident Handler?
The ECIH course provides a comprehensive understanding of incident handling and response, and upon passing the exam, demonstrates a strong capability in managing cyber security incidents. Industry-recognised, the ECIH certification is a coveted credential for incident handlers, enhancing credibility and opening doors to exciting roles in the field. With this career progression, comes the opportunity for higher salaries, whilst equipping individuals with the skills to enhance organisations' incident response capabilities, minimising security breach impact effectively.
What our students say
Daton Beckford | First Line Support Technician
Personally, for me, it’s been a life changer.
Learning People broke down all the different certifications and how they work. It left me feeling very impressed by what Learning People had to offer and how everything works.
Crina Boier | Coding Professional
I felt hopeful and supported
Having personal contact with Learning People makes a lot of difference, it actually engages you in what you want to do, it’s more tangible.

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Average Salary after completing
You can earn an average of £48,253.00 a year
You can earn an average of £48,253.00 a year