

Our Code student success stories

Learn more about a career in coding, and arrange a free consultation call with one of our experts today to find out how you can start.

Paula de Amicis, Age at enrolment: 42

Reason for enrolling

As a designer, Paula had experience exploring various streams throughout her career, from fashion to graphic design, web design, UX research and UI design. When the pandemic hit hard, she suddenly lost her job, Paula recognised a gap in her skillset. With lockdown, she had time on their hands. Wanting to keep ahead of the curve and contribute to filling the growing IT skills gap, Paula contacted Tessa, Senior Career Consultant Learning People and after requiring more information decided to take the plunge and dive Code+.


Paula began working with Student Care right away, Gwyneth thoroughly explained the way the course was to be delivered as well as many tips and tricks to make navigating and studying easy. She also checked in regularly to keep Paula on track with the course which she found very helpful. Gwyneth kept Paula accountable, and since they both like a good chat, it's a welcome break from the regular. 

Career Services

After Paula had completed the ISTQB part of the collection, she contacted Career Service Consultant Rachel where she provided invaluable advice on resume building, networking and interview preparation specific to the industry. Rachel supported and encouraged Paula with career goals and aspirations. Rachel checked in regularly and was a sounding board each step of the way and helped instil confidence to progress forward. She provided guidance through Paula relocating and job hunting through to final placement. She is now thrilled to have obtained a role as a CCO at CJ Global Tech.

The results
  • ISTQB Foundation Certificate, Code + 
  • Obtained a role as Chief Creative Officer (CCO) at CJ Global Tech Pty Ltd
Paula says:

“There needs to be more women in tech! The ratio is a dismal 3:1. This is largely due to a lack of role models and gender stereotypes, which need to change! Prioritising gender diversity and making the necessary changes to workplace culture to challenge the inherent gender stereotypes will champion change and encourage women and girls to contribute to the industry. I want to show future generations what's possible and that together, women and girls can thrive and help shape the future of tech with confidence.”

Sruthi K Murali, Age at enrolment: 34

Reason for enrolling

Sruthi reached out to the Learning People back in 2023. She had a background in IT back in her country but didn’t receive any formal IT training and was struggling to find a job in New Zealand. In addition, her husband decided to buy a Café, where she oversaw the daily operations. Sruthi was focused on helping out there for a while, but she was passionate about the IT industry. She wanted to get properly certified and start a new professional journey. Sruthi was contacted by Richard, her Senior Career Consultant, where he did a thorough analysis of her profile and experience to recommend the certifications that would suit her best according to her career objective in the long term. She was excited to get enrolled! 


Upon enrolment, Sruthi began working with Gatlin, her Student Care Consultant. He guided her through the platform and taught her use the live labs, as they would be crucial for her learning process and skills development. In addition, Gatlin made sure to check on Sruthi constantly, so she received the support needed through weekly catch-ups and emails. After a month of enrolment, Sruthi was able to obtain her first certification in ISTQB, thanks to her consistency, effort and Gatlin’s constant support. 

Career Services

Sruthi was contacted by her Career Services Consultant Flo straight away, where she explained the services and support provided to land her dream job. Sruthi decided to get certified first to feel more confident towards her skills and technical knowledge. After a month, Sruthi started the Career Services process, where Flo assisted her in tailoring her CV and LinkedIn profile to highlight her skills and make her marketable for the recruiters. Additionally, Flo taught Sruthi how to use LinkedIn for Networking and apply for the correct roles according to her experience and skills. After a couple of months, Sruthi relocated to Perth and got her first interview, where Flo made sure to get here prepared by providing suggestions, tips and confidence-boosting coaching. After a rigorous recruitment process, Sruthi was able to secure a job as a Junior Test Analyst. 

The results
  • ISTQB Foundation Certificate
  • Obtained a role as a Junior Test Analyst at FinClear.
Paula says:

“I found my dream job after completing ISTQB certification from learning people. Their service was beyond my expectations. Throughout my time with them, I felt heard cared and looked after. Florencia was very helpful in preparing my LinkedIn profile, preparing my CV and also she helped me prepare for the interview. Their weekly catch-up was so helpful which gave me a lot of confidence and motivation when I was in my job hunt journey.”

Alekandra Morozova , Age at enrolment: 28

Reason for enrolling

Alex had been working as an Accountant for over 5 years. She enjoyed her career but was getting to the point where she wanted more. She was getting tired of the rigid working style and wanted more flexibility within her role. Alex wanted to work towards being a Business Analyst, she thought the role would suit her well. After checking Seek, she noticed a lot of the jobs ads were asking skills she did not have. She inquired with Learning People, and after speaking to one of our team, she knew that this career would be right for her. They tailored a course that would suit her and informed her that her accounting background and transferable skills would be perfect for a Business Analyst. She just needed to develop some new skills. Alex was excited to get enrolled. 


Alex had an orientation on the platform, she was impressed by how easy it was to navigate. She also liked that she was given her StudentCare™ Consultant's contact details and knew exactly how to get in touch when she needed it. They made a plan of when she would have her check in calls. Alex got through the training at a good pace, she made use of StudentCare™ check ins to keep her on track as well as contacting the mentors when she got stuck with the training. Alex was also impressed by the practice exams and the fact that she could keep practicing until she got a good score. 

Career Services

Once Alex completed her first exam, she started working with Tabatha from our Career Services team. They got started looking at Alex’s CV. Tabatha gave her advice around how to explain her accounting skills in a way that would be appealing to employers in this sector, as well highlighting the new skills she had developed. They discussed her LinkedIn and Networking techniques to ensure she was marketing herself well. From there Alex was actively applying for roles, Tabatha reviewed her Cover Letters making sure they lined up to the roles. She gave her advice around referrals and how to utilise her existing networks. Alex secured interviews and they did preparation for these including practice questions. Alex ended up getting one of the roles and is now working as a Business Analyst for Woolworths.

The results
  • Business Analyst Foundation 
  • Obtained a role as a Business Analyst for Woolworths
Alex says:

“Learning people and career services are great! Special thanks to Tabatha who has been supporting me all the way through job hunting and even more than that! I received really good tips about my CV, LinkedIn, recommendation letter as well as interview advice. It’s been a great journey for me. Tabatha has also supported me after I started my first job as a BA and gave me the confidence I needed. Thank you very much, and I highly recommend learning people to everyone who wants to learn new skills and change their job!”

Tefanny Imanil, Age at enrolment: 29

Reason for enrolling

Tefanny arrived in New Zealand in 2018 and started working in the hospitality and retail industries in the South Island town of Queenstown. Tefanny was eager to pursue her career dreams by looking for a role within Development and enquired with Learning People in order to understand the career pathway, training and have a chance to answer any questions. Upon having a chat with her Senior Careers Consultant, Tefanny embarked on her journey. 


Upon enrolling, Kelsea from the StudentCare™ team reached out to Tefanny and provided a training orientation of the platform as well as answering any support questions to ensure she was comfortable and had everything in order to start training. Kelsea and Tefanny caught up weekly and monthly for progress updates and to answer any questions along the way. 

Career Services

Mikayla from the Career Services team spoke with Tefanny within the first week of her enrolment to introduce herself, discuss the Career Services support process and to check when Tefanny wanted to start this. Tefanny decided to wait 6 months before starting this process as she wanted to ensure she had good knowledge around coding and development, and that she had a good portfolio built before starting to look for a new position. Mikayla and Tefanny completed a CV and Cover Letter review and continued to finetune these until they were completed and before moving onto the LinkedIn and Networking Consultations. Regular check in calls were provided to see how Tefanny’s job search and networking was tracking. 

The results
  • Code+ Full-stack Development
  • AgilePM Foundation
  • Obtained a role as a Website Designer Intern for Holka
Tefanny says:

“When I initially enrolled, I felt a sense of hesitation as I was uncertain about the eventual outcome, but I would give the training platform a 5-star rating. The platform is excellent, providing an easy interface to link with other websites during exams. 

I must express my gratitude for the outstanding support provided by my StudentCare™ Consultant, earning them a well-deserved 5-star rating. They consistently checked in on me every week or month, promptly responding to any questions. It felt as if they were my classmates! A special shout-out to Kelsea.

Likewise, my experience with my Career Services Consultant deserves a 5-star rating. Much like the Student Care team, they were superb, helping in job searches, refining my CV and LinkedIn profile. Their monthly check-ins ensured that I was well-supported throughout the journey. And now I’m an intern as web designer. A big shout-out to Mikayla!

I enrolled in a full-stack development course, but it didn't end there; I discovered the opportunity to extend my learning to other courses, such as the Python course. This option is available to eligible students, and your friendly Student Care Consultant can provide more details.”

Ravi Shrestha, Age at enrolment: 25

Reason for enrolling

Ravi had completed a Bachelor's in IT and always had an interest in working in this sector. He had been working in hospitality for the last 4 years but had a passion for coding and wanted to move into this space. Ravi inquired with Learning People after doing some research and wanting to learn Front-End Development. He was impressed with the platform, mentors and all the support that was on offer. Ravi was excited to get enrolled. 


After enrolling, Ravi underwent an orientation of the platform, which left him feeling confident and enthusiastic to begin his journey. He delved right into the training and made remarkable progress. Ravi appreciated the fact that he could seek support from his Student Care Consultant, Erin, whenever he encountered any questions or challenges. Additionally, he was grateful for the mentor support, as it provided him with access to industry experts who could assist him with any content-related inquiries during the training. He really enjoyed working on projects that he could add to his portfolio and ensure he would be marketable when looking for a role. 

Career Services

Ravi wanted to start working with Career Services straight away. As he was completely changing sectors, he wanted to start working on his CV and professional profile to ensure it was ready to go. Tabatha got in touch with Ravi in his first week of enrolment and they booked in a CV consultation. They worked together in his CV and LinkedIn profile. Once this was ready to go, they discussed ways of growing his network with the right people. Ravi wanted to work at this and build a good network while he finished his training. Once he was ready to apply for roles, they started working together again. They did interview prep which Ravi found really helpful, especially practicing the behavioural based interview questions. Ravi has no secured a role working as a ServiceNow Associate Consultant/Developer for TCloud an xAmplify Company.

The results
  • Front-End Developer
  • Obtained a role as a ServiceNow Associate Consultant/Developer for TCloud, an xAmplify Company
Ravi says:

“Joining the Learning People was one of the most transformative decisions of my career. Their exceptional guidance over the past few months has been instrumental in shaping my professional journey. Today, I am thrilled to announce my new role as an Associate Consultant/Developer at TCloud Consulting, a position I wouldn't have been able to secure without the invaluable lessons and experiences gained through my Frontend Development Course with Learning People.

I wholeheartedly thank Learning People and especially Tabatha, my career counsellor, for their dedicated commitment to fostering talent and promoting lifelong learning. My successful transition into a fulfilling role in the IT industry stands as a testament to their unparalleled support. For anyone seeking to jumpstart their IT career, I can confidently recommend Learning People as a beacon of comprehensive education and dedicated career counselling."

Liz Bilashaka, Age at enrolment: 25

Reason for enrolling

Liz approached Learning People as she was in between employment and most recently completed her Bachelor of Business, majoring in Information Systems and knowing her goal was to enter the Development/Coding industry. Liz wanted to complete industry specific training which was flexible enough for her to complete this as soon as possible so she could get into the industry fast. After speaking with her Senior Careers Consultant, Liz enrolled into the Front End and ISTQB training.


Liz was assigned a Student Care Consultant who contacted her to run through an extensive training orientation of the Percipio platform, as well as arrange ongoing, regular catch-up calls to ensure she was comfortable and progressing with her training accordingly. Student Care was there to assist with any exam and support questions throughout Liz’s journey.

Career Services

Liz received an initial welcome call from her Career Services Consultant Mikayla where she was advised of the 3-phase process of which she would be supported. Liz did not immediately start the Career Services process as she wanted to focus on obtaining some skill first. Within a few months, Mikayla and Liz completed a full CV, Cover Letter and LinkedIn profile review which Liz applied all recommended amendments and then carried onto the Networking Consultation to assist Liz with her job search which ended in her securing a role within the industry.

The results
  • Code+
  • Obtained a role as a Test Analyst at Foster Moore – The Registry People
Liz says:

“The Learning People provided me with a fantastic learning journey. When I first enrolled, I felt excited and motivated about the opportunities that lay ahead. The course materials were comprehensive and well-structured, allowing me to easily grasp the concepts. The platform was user-friendly and intuitive, making it convenient to access the content. The mentor support was exceptional, with knowledgeable mentors who were always available to answer my questions and provide guidance. My Student Care Consultant was incredibly supportive throughout my learning journey, promptly addressing any concerns or queries I had. Working with my Career Services Consultant was a transformative experience as they provided valuable insights, guidance, and support to help me navigate my career path. Overall, I am extremely satisfied with my experience at Learning People, and I highly recommend their programs to anyone seeking to upskill and advance their career.”

Jako Bekker, Age at enrolment 30

Reason for enrolling

Jako had been working for a sports club dealing with their statistics, amongst other things. He really enjoyed this work and wanted to get more into the Data Science sector. He had been researching and knew he needed to learn Python, SQL and R. Jako had looked into some university courses but did not want to spend $15k plus and invest such a large amount of time. This is when he came across Learning People. He spoke with Arthur, one of our Senior Career Consultants, and got advice around what skills he would need to get noticed and complement his existing knowledge. He was excited about being able to learn completely online and at his own pace. This suited his lifestyle and meant he could get skilled far quicker than university, as well as being trained in a practical way. After hearing what we had to offer he was ready to get enrolled.


Jako had an orientation and was shown around the platform. He worked with Kelsea, one of our Student Care Consultants. He was pleased that he had one contact person that he could reach out to whenever he needed. Initially, Kelsea checked in with Jako regularly every couple of weeks to make sure he was comfortable with everything and progressing smoothly. He was impressed with how easy it was to navigate around the platform as well as the extensive content he could access.

Career Services

Jako wanted to start working with Career Services straight away. He was excited about this service as he was eager to know what options were out there and get a role in the industry. Jako worked with Tabatha, from the Career Services team. They booked in a CV consult straight away and got things moving. Tabatha advised Jako on how to tailor his CV to this industry and how to market his skills, they also discussed his LinkedIn profile. From there they discussed how Jako could network with potential employers and other people in working in the industry. When Jako started applying for roles, they worked on Cover Letters, she also helped him finding people involved in the hiring process so he could be noticed amongst other applicants. They had discussions around interviews and what to expect. Thanks to Jako’s motivation and hard work, as well as the support from Career Services, Jako is now working as a Business Analyst. He is working for a company that needed to put a focus on data capture and insight, so his new skillset is perfect for their concerns.

The results
  • Python Novice to Pythonista
  • Data Analyst to Data Scientist Aspire Pathway
  • Obtained a role as a Business Analyst for a large Manufacturing company
Jako says:

“Enrolling was quite a daunting thing, because I was working full time and had very little knowledge of the area I was diving into. However, Learning People made it a very easy and supportive process. The personalised contact with Arthur, and talking directly to the very knowledgeable people at Learning People helped make sure I knew exactly what I was signing up for and that I was in the right courses. They offered continued support through a Student Care Consultant, Kelsea. We had regular check ins and a clear an open line of communication for any questions. I also had the support of a very helpful Career Services Consultant, Tabatha, who helped me navigate the details of the new career I was heading towards and stayed consistent and caring in her consultation throughout my study and with my job search. Learning People offer a very supportive and easily navigated learning platform, with an incredible library of material.

I would highly recommend Learning People as a distance learning platform for self-motivated people who are looking to upskill or to learn a whole new field. The platform offers excellent resources to do small upskilling courses, or to dive deep into learning a whole new area.”

Lluis Mioche Grases, Age at enrolment: 30

Reason for enrolling

Lluis had a background in coding when he lived in Spain. After coming to Australia and spending two years travelling around the country, he wanted to get into the industry here. Lluis had done various roles in farming and hospitality since being here, but coding was his passion and he wanted to find a way of doing it in Australia. Lluis then inquired with the Learning People to see what training options were out there. Robin, one of our Senior Career Consultants got an understanding of his goals and what the best option was for him. Lluis had only had experience in front-end development, he needed to validate his skills here in Australia as well as up-skill and learn back-end languages in order to achieve his goal of becoming a Full-Stack Developer. Another one of his goals was to get sponsored and eventually get residency so he could stay in Australia long-term. This meant it was important to gain a role with a company that could offer him that.


Lluis got taken through an Orientation of the platform after enrolling, he felt confident and was excited to get started. Lluis got stuck in and made excellent progress in the training, he liked that he was able to get support from his StudentCare Consultant whenever he had questions. He was also grateful for the mentor support which meant he had access to industry experts if he had questions about the content of the training.

Career Services

Lluis wanted to start working with Career Services straight away, he was excited for this service as he felt he needed help to get a foot in the door with the Australian job market. Tabatha from our Career Services team discussed his goals and made a plan to make them happen. They did a CV consultation and helped to make sure his previous international experience as well as new skills would be received well in the industry. Tabatha then helped him to update his LinkedIn profile and discussed how to network within his local market. Lluis loved this support as he had found it challenging not knowing anyone and being visible. Lluis had been trying on his own for some time with no luck, he was thrilled when he managed to secure an interview only 2 months after enrolling. Tabatha and Lluis did interview preparation for this, and he got the role! Lluis is now working as a Full Stack Developer and is able to stay in Australia and continue to follow his passion and work within this exciting sector.

The results
  • Code+ 
  • Agile Project Management
  • Obtained a role as a Full Stack Developer at Two Moons
Lluis says:

“When I first enrolled I felt excited. It was the start of a “new journey”, I was excited about studying again to get a good job. One of my goals was finding a role in coding and be able to stay here in Australia. I was nervous about that being a possibility but after talking to Robin and Tabatha I felt confident. I found the support from StudentCare absolutely great. They were always there when I had questions. Working with Career Services was excellent as well. The advice was amazing, I have always felt supported and helped by Tabatha.”

Markuss Cowburn, Age at enrolment: 15

Reason for enrolling

Markuss enrolled with Learning People in October 2020.  His mother had been looking into some training options to go alongside his home schooling. Markuss always had an interest in Coding and Development and had already done some of his own learning online. After seeing how passionate he was about it, Markuss’s mother wanted to encourage him and help to get him some certifications that would benefit him down the track, and build a portfolio of work. They wanted something with more structure than what Markus had been doing online, while still having the flexibility to train whenever he wanted around school. He also lived rurally so online learning was perfect for him. They did not really know where to start, but after speaking with Tyler, one of our Senior Career Consultants, they knew this the right option for Markuss.


Markuss started working with StudentCareTM straight away. He was really excited and loved the fact that he could fit the training in around his schooling. StudentCare were able to book regular calls at times that worked best for him. It was important to ensure his learning was flexible while still having a structure he could stick to. Markuss flew through the training and was able to achieve great results. StudentCare made sure to tailor their support to whatever he needed and ensure that the content continued to be challenging enough for him.

Career Services

Markuss started working with Career Services about 6 months after enrolling. He wanted to prioritise the training initially to ensure he had a good understanding and felt comfortable with the prospect of working. Tabatha, one of our Career Services Consultants, had an initial consultation with Markuss and his Mum to discuss what the support might look like for him and what their goals were. It was important to adapt the service to fit what suited them due to Markuss being so young. They started by creating a CV for Markuss. His goal was to get work experience initially, however he needed to be able to work remotely because of his location. Tabatha helped Markuss to set up a LinkedIn profile and they worked on getting him connected with people in the industry. They spent a lot of time on this as Markuss was quite nervous about putting himself out there. After working with Career Services on this, Markuss gained confidence and felt like he could put himself in front of potential employers and find a role. We are thrilled to say Markuss ended up gaining a paid role as a Software Developer, working 20 hours per week. The role is for an international company working remotely and he can choose his own hours. This was an amazing outcome for Markuss at such a young age and we are excited to see what he can do in the future.

The results
Markuss says:

“I was happily surprised with getting this new job. The platform was great and the support from Student Care was great. Calls were consistent and everyone was just lovely. I had amazing support from Tabatha in the Career Services team. It was greatly appreciated and helped me a lot in looking for a job. She helped me feel confident and apply for roles that I never thought I could do. I never could have done this without the great support of the Learning People team, thanks to everyone!”

Navjot Kaur, Age at enrolment: 30

Reason for enrolling

Navjot enrolled with Learning People in July 2020. After having worked in India as a Developer, Navjot came to New Zealand and worked in a range of roles both in IT and in other sectors. After starting a family, she was struggling to find a role in Development. She kept getting rejected even though she felt she had good experience. This is when Navjot engaged with Learning People. She spoke with Neil, one of our Senior Career Consultants and got advice around how to best validate her experience and upskill.


Navjot utilised StudentCareTM support immediately. She had regular catch ups initially to ensure she was getting used to the platform and managing her study well. Navjot enjoyed the content and got through her courses at a great pace. Navjot had a young family during the time of her study, so had to manage and prioritise her training when she had the time. StudentCareTM supported her with this and helped schedule a study plan that worked for her.

Career Services

Navjot wanted to work with Career Services early on, she had excellent transferable skills and wanted help with marketing herself to successfully gain a development role. Career Services helped Navjot with her CV, LinkedIn and advised on ways of networking with potential employers. They helped her to get connected with agencies and ensured she felt confident when connecting with people hiring in the industry. Navjot has now successfully gained a role as a PHP Developer and couldn’t be happier.

The results
Navjot says:

“I was trying hard to get back in web development after I had my baby. But it was 6 months and after applying for so long I was not getting a good response and then I saw a Learning People advert on Facebook and registered from there. I had experience but still I did not know why I was getting so many rejections. I thought let’s update my knowledge to increase my chances of landing a job. The course material was thorough enough that I passed my certifications in one go. And whenever I had any queries, I asked the mentor who always replied on time. Any issue I faced I called StudentCareTM and they always get back to me at the same time. I bothered them a lot for booking my exam or any login query or any small issue but they were really helpful. Career Services guided me to update my CV and Linked in profile which helped me connect with more people and explore options to get a job. Finally I landed in my dream job which is a Senior PHP Developer. I can’t thank the Learning People enough”

Casey Scott, Age at enrolment: 32

Reason for enrolling

After working in construction for 12 years, Casey was ready for a change. He had a strong interest in coding and had already done some entry level study. He wanted to take the next step and train in Full Stack Development.

Career Services

Casey engaged in Career Services and had help with his CV, Cover Letter and LinkedIn. He had a consultation on different ways to market with potential employers. Casey had concerns as he lived in a small town and was nervous about getting work in this area. He was encouraged to engage in local events and join groups on LinkedIn and in the community. Casey is now proud to say that he gained his first role as a Junior Software Developer.

The results
  • Diploma in Software Development
  • Full Portfolio of work on GitHub
  • Obtained employment as Junior Software Developer – Upshift
Casey says:

“The course material was taught in a way that someone as myself with very little previous knowledge could learn and start piecing things together immediately. Careers Services helped me set up a LinkedIn account and write up a new CV and cover story. While on the course and after finishing I attended every local event and travelled to participate in hackathons and start up events. I got my first job as a Junior Software Developer after completing my course.”

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