Course overview
Why choose the CBAP | Certified Business Analysis Professional?
CBAP certification is an internationally recognised qualification that demonstrates a high level knowledge of business analysis. As a business analyst, this certification will enhance your professionalism and demonstrate your commitment to the field.
Throughout the course, you will learn how to apply concepts covered to actual business situations through real-world examples and case studies. By practising these types of scenarios, you can prepare for what you will encounter on the job.
What you'll learn
- TopicsBusiness Analysis OverviewRadd Knowledge Area: Part 1Radd Knowledge Area: Part 2Business Analysis Documentation and CriteriaPersonal Skills for Effective Business AnalysisPerspectives For Effective Business AnalysisThe Solution Evaluation Knowledge AreaBusiness Analysis Analytical TechniquesBusiness Analysis Activities and ToolsThe Ba Planning and Monitoring AreaThe Ba Elicitation and Collaboration Knowledge AreaThe Requirements Life Cycle Management Knowledge AreaBusiness Analysis Professional Effectiveness Competencies
Your assessment will take 210 minutes to complete and features 120 multiple-choice and performance-based questions.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the examination, you’ll receive your CBAP | Certified Business Analysis Professional certification. This is a digital certificate.
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
Study time
30 guided learning hours (Full-time: 2 weeks, Part-time: 2 months)
1 x 210 minute exam
Internet access and email
7500 hours including 900 hours in each of four of the six CBAP knowledge areas, 35 hours of professional development training and references
Ideal for
Business Analysts, Systems Analysts, Analysts, Managers, Project Managers, Consultants, and Process Improvement Analysts
Student Support
Study guidance and support throughout your entire learning journey with us from real people.
Career Services
Tailored and focused career support from our team of career experts, who will help you navigate the job market with confidence and land that dream job.
Leap Careers
Leap Careers is designed to connect our students with specific job opportunities from a wide range of partner employers, helping you take that all-important first step into a shiny new role.
What's Included
Professional development that works around you.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accessCV and LinkedIn supporteBooks, Video Lessons, and Practice examsMonthly careers workshopsExpert support and mentoringLearning People Alumni membershipVirtual seminarsTOTUM student card
Get certified the Learning People way
Career-ready education. Get the skills you need for the career you want.
Why become a certified CBAP | Certified Business Analysis Professional?
The CBAP certification is one of the most widely recognised credentials in the field of business analysis. It demonstrates to employers, colleagues, and clients your knowledge and experience in the field, which will enable you to move up in your career and apply for positions you had not previously considered.
What our students say
Marco Newell | Project Professional
The best investment is investing in yourself
It’s had a massive impact on my life, I’ve learned new skills, and broadened my knowledge, which has had a very positive impact.
Andrea Kovacs | Operations Project Lead
Learning People is a very professional organisation
It was quite clear to me that the student support over the whole journey was quite outstanding with Learning People.

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Average Salary after completing
You can earn an average of £43,400.00 a year
You can earn an average of £43,400.00 a year