What is changing with PRINCE2® 6th Edition?
PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation and Practitioner exam vouchers will no longer be available to buy from 30th June 2024.
We recommend you complete your PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation or Practitioner training including scoring 80% in your practice exams and apply for your exam by 14th June 2024 to enable you to sit your exam before the 30th June 2024.
Yes, PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation and Practitioner exams will be available to book onto until 31st December 2024. So you will be able to use an exam voucher purchased before 30th June 2024 up until 31st December 2024.
Yes, all your learning material will remain available to you until the expiry of your learning license.
Yes, you will still have the ability to resit your exam before the 31st December 2024 should you need to.
No, all PRINCE2® 6th Edition Foundation and Practitioner exams will be unavailable after 31st December 2024 including for resits.
You will have until the expiry date of the voucher or 31st December 2024 whichever is soonest to use the voucher.
Please continue with your studies as planned and contact StudentCare when you are ready to order your exam voucher.
The PRINCE2® Foundation course is approximately 12 hours study and the Practitioner approximately 20 hours, so a combined study time of 32hrs, we feel this is sufficient time for students to complete their learning, but if you do have any concerns please reach out to StudentCare for support.
Yes. For anyone who completes their training and Test Prep we can provide a Certificate of Completion for their PRINCE2® 6th Edition training, this would be a certificate that states you have completed all the learning content and appropriate Test Prep but would not be able to show you have achieved full qualification.
Yes, we will continue to provide live classes whilst we have students still completing their learning.
This change has been imposed by PeopleCert and is out of our control. Through the provision of approved training, notice of the changes and alternative courses for no extra charge, we are fulfilling our consumer duties.