Course overview
Why choose the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect Course?
By taking the Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect course, you will be equipped with the technical expertise and business acumen to design, implement, and manage cloud infrastructures. Being certified in cloud architecture can provide numerous benefits and open up exciting career opportunities in the rapidly growing field of cloud computing.
Acquiring a globally recognised certificate and gaining experience in areas such as network components, data storage, identity management, and more, will enable you to kickstart your career as a Professional Cloud Architect.
What you'll learn
- TopicsDesigning Google Compute ServicesUsing Google Container OrchestrationGoogle Cloud NetworkingGoogle Cloud StorageGoogle Cloud DatabasesGoogle Cloud SecurityDesigning Google Cloud CryptographyDesigning for Google Cloud ComplianceAnalyzing & Defining ProcessesDesigning for Cloud ReliabilityPlanning for ImplementationPlanning Cloud Migrations
Your assessment will take 120 minutes to complete and features 50-60 multiple-choice questions, some of which are based on a case study.
CertificationUpon successfully passing the examinations, you’ll receive your Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect certification. This is a digital certificate
Course Guide
The key facts about your online training.
Google Cloud Certified - Professional Cloud Architect
Study time
45 hours (Full-time: 2 - 3 weeks, part time: 2 - 3 months)
1 x 120 minute exam
Internet access and email
1+ years experience working with Google Cloud Platform
Ideal for
Those with 1+ years experience wishing to progress into a cloud architecture role
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What's Included
When you enrol with Learning People, you get so much more than just a course.
- What's includedOn-demand platform accesseBooks and video lessonsCV and LinkedIn supportMonthly careers workshopsLearning People Alumni membershipTOTUM student card
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Why become a certified Google Cloud Architect?
There has been a significant increase in the demand for skilled cloud professionals, particularly architects, as more organisations transition their operations to the cloud. With a career as a Professional Cloud Architect, you can unlock new career opportunities and accelerate your professional growth.
There's no denying that cloud computing is here to stay. By becoming a Professional Cloud Architect, you can become a future-proof expert on the cutting edge of technology.
What our students say
Daton Beckford | First Line Support Technician
Personally, for me, it’s been a life changer.
Learning People broke down all the different certifications and how they work. It left me feeling very impressed by what Learning People had to offer and how everything works.
Crina Boier | Coding Professional
I felt hopeful and supported
Having personal contact with Learning People makes a lot of difference, it actually engages you in what you want to do, it’s more tangible.

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Average Salary after completing
You can earn an average of £69,650.00 a year
You can earn an average of £69,650.00 a year